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Drinking or Using More than Intended
When drinking or using becomes unmanageable and can take over important parts of your life and which can lead you to other symptoms such as substance...
Caring for your Pain: You have Options
When pain becomes chronic, there are several effective and healthy ways to care for pain.
Medications Used to Treat Substance Use Disorders
Treating Substance Use Disorders can be challenging. With help from qualified medical specialists, people can reduce or eliminate problematic substanc...
Substance Use and Relationships: Supporting Your Loved One in Recovery
Supporting another person’s journey through substance use treatment and recovery can be a challenging time in any relationship.
Substance Use Disorder
Substance use can lead to tolerance, drug dependency, cravings, overconsumption, and other substance disorder symptoms. Discover signs and how to begi...
Recommendations of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis
This report outlines Former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy's recommendations to the President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid...
Consumer Guide Drug Formulary Issue Brief
Formularies are the lists that act as the gateways to prescription drugs in health plans in the United States, impacting every prescriber, pharmacist,...
Don't Deny Me
A campaign/website that educates consumers and providers about patient rights under the Federal Parity Law and connects them with essential appeals re...
The Health Equity Tracker
The Health Equity Tracker aims to give a detailed view of health outcomes by race, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status, and other critical factors.