The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA or Parity Law) promised equity in the insurance coverage of mental health and substance use disorder care, but years later mental health parity is still not a reality and too many Americans continue to be denied care when they need it the most. To fulfill the promise of the Parity law, we must hold health insurance plans accountable to comply with the letter and spirit of the law.
This will require significant leadership from our federal and state governments.
— Patrick J. Kennedy
That is why the Kennedy Forum is working with policymakers and regulators to push for clear regulations and guidance to implement the law in the commercial market and in Medicaid managed care and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The Kennedy Forum is also calling for strong, public enforcement of the law.
Parity also depends in large part on consumers knowing their rights. The Kennedy Forum is committed to educating consumers and health care providers about the Parity law and providing them the tools and resources they need to ask for the treatment and services that are guaranteed under the law and to appeal denials of care when they occur.